Your personal data will be used to process your order in accordance with GDPR.
Introductory provisions
- The subject-matter of these general terms and conditions for the purchase of the Goods and Services (hereinafter referred to as the ,, GTC“) of the company Fullframe s.r.o., with its registered office at Karpatské námestie 10/A, 831 06 Bratislava, Slovak republic, Identification No.: 46 999 337, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, section: Sro, insert no.: 86971/B (hereinafter referred to as the ,,Company“), is the regulation of related mutual rights and obligations between the Customer and the Company, regulation of the process of order and purchase of the Goods and Services, establishing the conditions of use of the Services and other facts relevant to the purchase of the Goods and Services.
- The Customer agrees to these GTCs, an integral part of which is the document of Privacy Policy, published on the Website, as valid at the time of concluding the Agreement, in the form of confirmation of its will to be bound by their provisions by dispatching an order form (Order) within the Website.
- Any legal relationships not explicitly provided for by these GTCs shall be governed by the applicable laws of the Slovak Republic.
- If the individual provisions regulating the rights and obligations specify in more detail the subject of the Agreement (Goods or Services), this provision shall be binding only for the specific type of the Agreement, unless these GTCs provide otherwise.
- Order means a proposal to enter into the Agreement submitted by the customer to the Company via binding electronic order form listed on the Website, which subsequently results in the conclusion of the Agreement as amended in Article 3 of this GTCs.
- Company means company as specified in provision 1.1 of the GTCs. The Company is the owner of the Website through which it offers the Goods and Services that are the subject-matter of the Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Company is a contracting party.
- Services means a service that provides access to online audio – visual record transmission in compliance with terms specified in provision 5 of the GTCs.
- Goods means all products placed by the Company on the Website that may be the subject-matter of the Agreement between the Company and the Customer.
- Website means the website
- Customer means a natural person not acting within the scope of his/her business or other entrepreneurial activity, employment or profession, while concluding and fulfilling the Agreement . The Customer is a contracting party.
- Agreement means an agreement in electronic form, which usually takes the form of accession to these GTCs and which includes the Privacy Policy and all related legal documents, information and instructions related to the conclusion of the Agreement and fulfilment of mutual obligations of the Company and the Customer, valid at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement.
- Party means the Company and the Customer who have concluded the Agreement with each other.
Subject-matter of the agreement and procedure for concluding the agreement
SubjecT-matter of the agreement
- The Customer is able to get informed about Company´s Service of granting the access to audio – visual record, being a film record made available to the Customer who purchases the Service on the day, time and in duration according to the information stated on Company´s Website.
- The Customer who purchases the Service of access to audiovisual record, is able to watch the film record on Company´s Website after filling in a unique code which is provided by the Company as a part of the Service. Audiovisual record is constituted as live performance with ability to be viewed only in time period framed by the Company, thus the information of the exact date and time of its start is important to the Customer. After the expiration of the period, the link as well as the unique code for access to the Service shall be rendered and the Customer shall not be able to use the Service any more.
- Therefore, the Company shall make publicly available specification of his/her Service at least in a scope which is needed and necessary for proper information of the Customer with its main characteristics, in particular:
- title of the film retained on the audiovisual record,
- date when it shall be possible to watch the audiovisual record on the Website through the unique code (the so called premiere day),
- period during which the audiovisual record shall be made available to the Customer on a day in accordance with letter b. of this provision of the GTCs,
- time from which the audiovisual record shall be made available to the Customer on a day and during the period in accordance with letter b. and c. of this provision of the GTCs.
- The Customer is able to conclude an Agreement with the Company, subject-matter of which is commitment of the Company to deliver Goods selected by Customer and commitment of the Customer to pay for such Goods. Goods means material subject delivered in the quantity and quality selected by the Customer, specifically made for the Customer in accordance with his Order (selection of concrete design on concrete type of Goods), thus the standard delivery duration is lengthened as specified in provisions 5.1 to 5.5 of this GTCs.
Procedure for concluding the agreement
- The Customer concludes an Agreement with the Company through the Website. The conclusion of the Agreement shall be preceded by the following acts performed by the Customer on the Website:
- selection of the Goods and/or the Service,
- filling in the order form and sending the Order,
- choice of method of payment of the Goods and Service,
- choice of delivery method in case of purchase of Goods,
- payment for chosen Goods and/or Service.
- If the Customer concludes an Agreement, subject-matter of which is purchase of Goods, the Customer selects the Goods to be the subject-matter of the Agreement by pressing the “Add to Cart” button. The Goods will be added to the list of the Goods thus selected, which is available for insight by the Customer at any time.
- If the Customer concludes an Agreement, subject-matter of which is provision of Service, the Customer shall select a concrete audiovisual record to be the subject-matter of the Service thus will be directed to next act – the completion of binding Order.
- The Order is executed by the Consumer via the electronic order form found on the Website, the moment of pressing the button named “ORDER WITH OBLIGATION TO PAY”, which is also a function for sending the Order, shall mean the moment of sending the binding Order as a proposal to conclude the Agreement.
- Within the framework of binding Order, the Customer is obliged to fill in the information requested by the Company and select the payment method for the Goods and/or Service from options listed in electronic order form, in particular:
- Trustpay,
- CDpay.
- By sending the Order, the Customer confirms that he/she has become acquainted with and/or was informed by the Company about the main characteristics of the Goods and/or Service, their total price and other costs, which are in particular, but not exclusively, costs for transport, delivery, postage, carrying up and/or the fact that such costs or fees may later be included in the total price if they cannot be determined in advance.
- At the same time, the Customer confirms that he/she has become acquainted and/or was informed by the Company that he/she shall pay a specific purchase price for the Goods and the costs and fees specified by the Company, as well as payment terms, delivery conditions, the period within which the Company undertakes to deliver the Goods and information on the procedure for filing and handling warranty claims.
- Once the binding Order has been sent, it will be registered with the Company and the Customer will be informed of this fact via e-mail.
- In case of sending the Order for the Service, the Customer shall receive a unique code use of which is necessary to get access to the Service granting the access to audiovisual record along with the confirming e-mail specified in provision 3.12 of GTC.
- The Agreement for sale of Goods shall be concluded only after the binding Order sent by the Customer has been checked and confirmation of receipt of the Order by the Company has been subsequently sent. The Customer shall have the right to cancel the Order until the moment of receipt of the confirmation of the Order by the Company. The confirmation of receipt of the Order shall also include these GTCs of the Company, the invoice containing the basic information of the Agreement, as well as the form to withdraw from the Agreement.
- If the Goods become unavailable during the time between the sending of a binding Order by the Customer and the receipt of the Order by the Company, the Company shall immediately inform the Customer thereof using the contact details contained in the Order form. In such a case, the Company shall have the right to cancel the Customer’s Order.
- The subject-matter of the Agreement are the Goods and its accessories, in the quantity and quality selected by the Customer and/or the Service selected by the Customer.
- The subject-matter of the Agreement shall also include the rights and obligations of both Parties and other relevant facts stipulated by the Agreement.
Purchase price
- The Purchase Price shall represent the amount expressed in cash in Euro, which is charged for the Goods and/ or Services selected by the Customer in the Order. The Customer shall have the opportunity to know the price before the binding sending of the Order. We draw special attention to the fact, that an obligation to pay the price of Services arises immediately after completion of binding Order form.
- The price charged for the Goods and/or Services that are the subject-matter of the Agreement must be paid in the form of (i) a wireless transfer to the Company´s bank account, (ii) payment via the relevant digital currency/cryptocurrency via the CDpay payment system.
- Fees for the transfer of funds shall be borne by the Customer; any fees shall not be charged by the Company, but by the entity that executes the transfer of the funds.
- All prices are stated inclusive the value added tax (the “VAT”), unless stated otherwise on the Website or in the price of the Goods.
Delivery of Goods and provision of Services
Delivery of goods
- The Company undertakes to deliver the Goods that are the subject-matter of the Agreement within 30 (in words: thirty) working days of the payment of the Purchase Price by the Customer.
- If the Goods selected by the Customer are not available in the Company´s stock, the Comapny undertakes to deliver the Goods within 10 (in words: ten) weeks of the payment of the Purchase Price by the Customer. The Company shall inform the Customer about this fact upon confirmation of receipt of the Order. As part of providing the Goods for the Customers, unexpected events may take place (caused, for example, by force majeure) that the Company is unable to influence and therefore shall not be liable for damage caused in the case of exceeding the specified period.
- Payment of the Purchase Price shall mean the moment of crediting the Purchase Price to the Company´s account.
- If the Company is unable to meet the above delivery period for technical reasons, it undertakes to promptly inform the Customer of it. The Customer will be provided with the option of agreement on the delivery of Goods within a replacement period, on the provision of other Goods in the same quality and price, or on another substitutive performance. If the Customer does not conclude the above agreement with the Company, the Company shall return the price paid for the Goods to the Customer within 14 (in words: fourteen) days of the notification of impossibility to meet the delivery period, with the same method that was used in the payment of the Purchase Price, unless the Company and the Customer agree otherwise.
- The costs of delivery of the Goods shall be borne by the Customer and the Customer shall be informed of their amount in reasonable time before sending the binding Order; if it is not possible to clearly determine their amount at this time, the Customer shall be informed that these costs will be part of the final Purchase Price for the Goods.
Service provision
- According to the fact, that the Service is being provided immediately after concluding of the Agreement, the Customer is obliged to express explicit consent with initiation of Service provision before expiry of the period to withdraw from the Agreement along with the obligation to declare that he/she was properly informed of these consequences in compliance with §4 article 8 Act no. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services on the basis of a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the premises of the seller as amended.
- The unique code delivered to the Customer after concluding the Agreement shall be possible to apply on the Company´s Website subsequently on the day of the premiere in accordance with provision 3.3 b of the GTCs, leading to viewing the audiovisual content to the Customer after its application.
- The Customer is entitled to use the Services only in range and in accordance with this Article of the GTCs and Article 8 of the GTCs. Any other way of using of these Services in dispute with these Articles may be regarded as unfair conduct and abuse of such Services, which is linked to legal consequences.
- By conducting the Agreement, the Customer undertakes to use the Services, their content and any data provided in the framework of Service provision, only for his/her own usage. Own usage means the usage of the Services in order to view audiovisual content while the final relation to usage presents only immediate relation between the Customer and the Company. Thus, the Customer is not entitled to provide the Services subsequently to third persons nor for commercial use, to use them for purposes of direct marketing or to collect them in accordance with this point.
- The customer is prohibited to harm the functioning and structure of Website by circumventing or violating safety measures, uploading files containing viruses or harmful programs or pursue other unfair or illegal conduct that infringe legislation or rights of the Company.
- The agreement can be rescinded in the following ways:
- withdrawal by the Company for reasons pursuant to provision 10.1 of these GTCs,
- withdrawal by the Company due to the fact that by its actions, the Customer in any way breaches or does not comply with the provisions of these GTCs, without the right to compensation for the unused part of the Service.
- withdrawal by the Customer which is a consumer, according to the Article 7 of these GTCs.
- If the Agreement has been withdrawn from in accordance with provision 6.1(a) of these GTCs, the Customer shall have the right to a refund of the Purchase Price for the undelivered Goods that are the subject-matter of the Agreement he/she withdraws from, within 14 (in words: fourteen) days of the delivery of the withdrawal notice. This shall not apply if the Parties have agreed on a substitutive performance.
- If the Agreement has been concluded by means of distance communication, it means in the form of an electronic order form, the Consumer shall have the right to withdraw from the Agreement without giving a reason within 14 (fourteen) days of the day of receipt of the Goods; this period shall be considered to have been met if the withdrawal notice of the Agreement is sent to the Company on or before the last day of the period. The Goods shall be deemed to have been received by the Consumer at the moment when the Consumer or a third party designated by the Consumer, with the exception of the carrier, receives all parts of the Goods ordered, or if:
- the Goods ordered by the consumer in one Order are delivered separately, at the moment of receiving the item of Goods that was delivered last,
- the Goods consisting of several parts or pieces are delivered, at the moment of receiving the last part or the last piece,
- the Goods are delivered repeatedly during a defined period, at the moment of receiving the first item of Goods delivered.
- If the Agreement has been concluded by means of distance communication, it means in the form of an electronic order form, the Customer shall have the right to withdraw from the Agreement without giving a reason within 14 (fourteen) days of the day of concluding the Agreement for provision of the Services. In the light of the fact that the Service is according to the provision 5.6 of these GTCs provided immediately, the Consumer loses his right to withdraw in the moment of expressing the explicit consent with initiation of Services before expiry of the period to withdraw.
- Since the Company´s Services are provided in a form of electronical content other than captured on tangible medium, the Customer loses right to any refund of money paid for the Service after fulfilling the condition in accordance with provision 7.2 of these GTCs.
- The Consumer shall exercise its right to withdraw from the Agreement in writing at the address of the Company´s registered office, by e-mail at or in another manner that does not raise doubts that the Agreement has been withdrawn from.
- To withdraw from the Agreement, the consumer shall use the form delivered to it as part of the confirmation of receipt of the Order by the Company. If this form is not available to the consumer, he/she can access it on the Company´s Website.
- The Consumer shall bear the burden of proof of withdrawal from the Agreement; therefore, we recommend that the consumer keeps any document or other evidence of the exercise of its right.
- If the consumer exercises his/her right to withdraw from the Agreement, he/she shall return the Goods to the Company within 14 (in words: fourteen) days of the day on which he/she exercised his/her right to withdraw from the Agreement, no later than on 14th (in words: fourteenth) day after the day of delivery of the notice of withdrawal from the Agreement to the Company.
- The Goods must be sent or handed over to the Company with the proof of purchase, complete accessories, documentation and packaging. The Consumer shall have the right to unpack and test the Goods in a manner suitable for determining the properties and functionality of the Goods as if he/she had performed the test in the store.
- The consumer may not treat the Goods in such a way as to reduce their value. If the Company finds that the consumer has treated the Goods in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to determine the properties and functionality of the Goods, the consumer shall be liable for the reduction in the value of the Goods.
- Upon withdrawal from the Agreement, the consumer shall bear the costs of returning the Goods. This provision shall not apply if the consumer withdraws from the Agreement due to the fact that the delivered Goods were not in accordance with the content of the consumer’s Order or does not have properties in which the consumer has expressed interest and which match the description provided by the Company.
- The Company undertakes, without undue delay, in any case within 14 (in words: fourteen) days of the date of delivery of the withdrawal notice of the Agreement, to return to the consumer all payments received under the Agreement or in connection therewith, including transport costs, delivery and postage and other costs and fees, by the same manner that was used by the consumer when paying for the Goods, unless the customer and the Company agree otherwise. However, at the same time, the Company shall not be obliged to return all payments to the consumer under this clause if the returned Goods has yet to be delivered to it.
- The Company undertakes to pay the costs of transport, delivery and postage only to the extent of the cheapest and ordinary method of delivery for a specific type of the Goods.
- The Customer who has acquired ownership of the Goods under the Agreement shall not acquire the right to the objects of intellectual property that are part of the Goods, for example in the form of a trademark, business name or patent, unless the Agreement provides otherwise.
- At the same time, the Customer shall comply with all terms and conditions of use of the Website that the Company has published on a separate subpage of the Website; by using it, the Customer shall not acquire any right to the objects of intellectual property.
If the subject-matter of the Agreement is provision of Services that presents access to audiovisual record on the Company´s Website, the Customer notes that the concrete audiovisual record as well as the Website content including, but not exclusively, products, graphic views, user interface, text content, logos, designs, databases and source codes as well as the audiovisual record itself – film, containing protected information and materials, which owner or holder of is always the Company, and which are protected by the legislation concerning the individual property rights as well as other relevant legislation including, but not exclusively, copyright law.
The user of Website and Services undertakes to use such information or materials only and exclusively in accordance with these GTCs. The Customer undertakes not to copy, reproduce, modify, borrow, lease, repeatedly public, sell, spread, download or create derived work of such information and materials and shall not use the Service and Website in any unentitled way, including, but not exclusively, unentitled entering or overloading the network capacity. For any usage of protected information and materials besides the Website and Service itself in accordance with these GTCs, the previous written consent of the Company is necessary.
- If the Customer breaches the Articles of these GTCs, mainly this Article, or any other Agreement documents including any form of abuse of the provision of Services or breach of Agreement conditions, the Company is entitled to interrupt the Service provision. The Customer, by his acting, gives up his rights to any financial compensation, natural or any other compensation for this way unconsumed Services during the mentioned interruption.
- If the Customer uses the audiovisual record or other part of the Service, Goods or Website without being entitled to do so, but mainly in dispute with Articles of these GTCs and valid legislation, mainly but not exclusively, the copyright law and other intellectual property law, an obligation to pay a penalty of 500 EUR (in words: five hundred EUR) arises to the Customer for each such breach. The Company´s right to compensation of loss caused by breach of the conditions of Service use remains unchanged even after reimbursement of such penalty.
Complaint of Services
- The Company is liable for defects of the Services during the period of validity of the Agreement concluded in accordance with these GTCs. The Company is not liable for defects of the Service arising from usage of Services in dispute with GTCs or in a way that is illegal.
- The defect may result from unavailability of the Services, taking into account the character of provided Services.
- The Customer can exercise his right to complaint via electronical communication, mainly on the e-mail address:
Complaint of goods
- The Company is liable for defects of the Goods during the warranty period which is 24 (in words: twenty-four) moths starting the following day after taking over the Goods by the Customer. The Company is not liable for defect of the Goods arising from usage of the Goods in a way that is not in compliance with the GTCs or is illegal or for defects not immediately applied.
- The Customer can apply for the complaint via electronical communication, mainly on the e-mail address and in writing on address Karpatské námestie 10/A, 83106 Bratislava, Slovak republic, where the defective Goods are sent to, along with the letter of guarantee and evidence of purchase of the Goods.
Process of complaint exercise
- In the Complaint, the Customer shall state mainly the following information:
- character of the defect,
- time duration of the defect if the subject-matter is the Service,
- date the defect occurred if the subject-matter is the Service.
- The Company is entitled to request the person applying the complaint to verify the fact, that he/she is a Contracting party or a person entitled to use the Services of the Contractual party.
- In process of application of the complaint, the Customer has following rights:
- If the defect is removable, the Customer has the right to free, timely and proper removal. The Company is obliged to remove the defect without undue delay. The Customer can request to replace the Service and/or Goods instead of the defect removal, or if the defect only concerns a part of the Service/Goods, the replacement of such part, if the Company won’t incur disproportionate costs due to the price of the Service/Goods or the severity of the defect . The Company can always provide the Customer with new Service/Goods instead of defect removal if it won’t cause the Customer serious difficulties.
- If the defect cannot be removed and it prevents the Service and/or Goods from being properly operated as without the defect, the Customer has the right to exchange the Service and/or Goods or to withdraw from the Agreement. The same rights belong to the Customer in the case of removable defects, if the Customer cannot as a result of recurrence of the defect after repair or for a number of defects use the Service and/or Goods properly. In case of other irreparable defects, the Customer has the rights to a reasonable discount on the price of the Service and/or Goods.
- The Customer shall state which of the rights pursuant to provision 9.8 of these GTCs he/she is interested in implementing.
- When filling the Complaint, the Company shall provide the Customer with 1 (in words: one) copy of the Protocol on Complaint, which represents a confirmation of the application of the Complaint. On the Complaint Protocol the Company indicates the day of the application of the complaint. If it is not possible to submit the Complaint report immediately, it must be delivered without undue delay, however, together with the Protocol on Settlement of the Complaint. If the Customer apply the Complaint in the form of electronic communication, the Company will deliver the Complaint Protocol, as well as the Protocol on the handling of Complaint in the form of electronical communication via e-mail.
- The Complaint report is a form that the Company delivers to the Customer and represents a confirmation on the application of the Complaint. The Complaint must contain:
- Complaint registration number,
- Customer identification data,
- identification data of the Company (business name, registered office, identification number, telephone number, e-mail, name and surname of the person handling the Complaint),
- the date of sending the protocol,
- defect description,
- the right required by the Customer in accordance with §622 and §623 of the Civil Code (clause 9.8 of the GTCs),
- list and name of attachments.
- Attachments to the Complaint are, for example photo documentation of the detected defect.
- The report on the handling of the Complaint is issued by the Company as proof of the termination and handling of the Complaint in accordance with the provisions of this Article of these GTCs. The report on the handling of the Complaint must contain:
- Complaint registration number,
- Customer’s identification data (name and surname, delivery address, telephone number, e-mail),
- identification data of the Company (business name, registered office, identification number, telephone number, e-mail, name and surname of the person handling the Complaint),
- the day of the commencement of the Complaint procedure,
- method of handling Complaints.
- We strive to handle the Complaint as soon as possible. However, in the case of technically complex cases, we reserve the right to settle the Complaint within 30 (in words: thirty) day from the fill of the complaint.
- If we do not process the Complaint within 30 (in words: thirty) days, you have the right to withdraw from the Agreement or to exchange of the Service and/or Goods for a new Service and/or Goods.
- The Company strives to constant availability of the offered Goods and Services, the constant availability to order them through the Website and hassle-free delivery and delivery to Customers. However, in cases of objective and unavoidable technical obstacles or other factors causing the inability to perform for such defects beyond the Company´s control, is not liable. However, the Company develops what possible effort to address the obstacles created without delay.
- The Company has the right at any time to terminate its business activities, the provision of Goods and/or Services and the operation of the Website or part thereof and not to enter into new Agreements with other Customers.
- The Company strives for continuous and trouble-free access to the Website. However, the Company will not be liable if, for any reason, the Website is not available for any period of time. Access to this Website may be suspended at any time without notice. We reserve the right to restrict access to certain parts of our Website, or even the entire Website, at our discretion. In this regard, it is prohibited to circumvent or attempt to circumvent any restrictions on access to our Website.
- In the case of a contractual relationship between the Customer and the Company, the subject of which is the provision of the Audio-visual recording access Service, if it becomes impossible to view the audio-visual recording, the Company:
- has the right, but not the obligation, to provide the Customer with the possibility of a replacement date and thus allow access to the audio-visual recording, provided that the inability to view the audio-visual recording was due to objective and unavoidable technical obstacles or other facts beyond the Company´s control as a result of facts on the part of the Customer,
- provide co-operation and deal with defects of the Service in accordance with the Customer’s complaint pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of the GTC, provided that the impossibility to view the audio-visual recording occurred as a result of defects and facts on the part of the Company.
- The Company and the Customer have agreed that in the case of delivery of mutual correspondence, delivery within the meaning of these GTC means delivery of written content to an electronic address or by registered mail or courier to the Company´s registered office. The day of delivery is also considered to be the day on which the Company or the Customer refuses to accept the delivered document, or on the day of returning the shipment marked “addressee did not accept within the collection period”, “addressee moved out”, “addressee is unknown” or another similar note. meaning. In the case of electronic delivery of documents by e-mail, the document shall be deemed to have been delivered on the day following the day on which it was sent. For the purposes of delivery by post, the addresses specified in the Contract (Order), resp. in the electronic order form, only the addressing of the documents has been notified to the sending Contracting Party by the addressee of the documents, or a new electronic address for the delivery of documents.
- By concluding the Agreement, the Company and the Customer agree that all possible disputes arising in connection with the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement will be preferentially resolved out of court, by negotiation or mutual agreement. In the event that the Company and the Customer do not resolve mutual disputes out of court, they are entitled to resolve these disputes in court in accordance with the applicable laws of the Slovak Republic. The territorial jurisdiction of the court is given in accordance with Act no. 160/2015 Coll. Civil dispute rules as amended.
- In the event that the Consumer is not satisfied with the manner in which the Company has handled his complaint, or if he feels that his rights have been violated by the Company, he has the right to turn to the Company for redress. In the event that the Company does not respond to the request within 30 (in words: thirty) days of its dispatch, or rejects it, the Customer, who is the consumer, has the right to turn to one of the ADR entities, which is also the Slovak Trade Inspection, Bajkalská 21 / A, PO Box no. 5, 820 07 Bratislava. The list of ADR entities is available on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic under the following link:
- The consumer customer may also use the European Commission’s platform available at the following link for alternative dispute resolution:
- Suggestions or complaints of Customers are accepted by the Company at the correspondence address specified in the header of these GTC and at the e-mail address
CHANGE to the GTCs
- The Company hereby reserves the right to change these GTCs. The rules applicable to the established commercial or civil relationship between the Company and the Customer result from the text of the GTCs at the time when the Agreement was concluded.
- If any provision of the GTCs becomes invalid, ineffective or unenforceable to a specified extent, the remaining provisions unaffected by this shall remain fully valid. In such a case, the Company shall replace such a provision with a valid, effective and enforceable provision that will differ to the smallest possible degree from the principles agreed in these GTCs, while preserving the economic and legal purpose and meaning of the replaced provision.
- For the purposes of processing your personal data, the Company is in the position of an independent controller of personal data.
The supervision authority of the Company is:
Inspectorate of the Slovak Trade Inspection for the Bratislava Region (Inšpektorát SOI pre Bratislavský kraj)
Supervision Performance Department (Odbor výkonu dozoru)
Prievozská 32, P.O. Box 5
820 07 Bratislava 27
Slovak Republic
Place: Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Date: 21. december 2020
Fullframe s. r. o.
Slavomír Kralovič, Executive